Bachelor`s thesis

The bachelor`s thesis is an independent professional treatment of a certain problem, the preparation and defense of which checks the academic competencies of students in accordance with the qualifications that the student acquires upon the completion of the appropriate study program.

The bachelor`s thesis is submitted to the student service of the faculty on the prescribed form (attached: Submission of the topic).

The student submits the topic for the final work when he / she fulfills all the prescribed conditions from the penultimate semester (ie during the lectures in the summer semester).

The student in the faculty scripting room (or student service) takes the form for applying for the topic of the final thesis. From the topics suggested by the professors, the student decides on one and enters its name in the application. The completed application signed by the mentor is submitted by the student to the student service on the protocol, no later than the end of the lecture in the summer semester. The student forms the bachelor thesis in a concept with all the accompanying parts. The concept is handed over to the teacher mentor for inspection and review. The student is obliged to act according to the instructions and remarks of the teacher mentor. Otherwise, the work is returned for further refinement.

The bachelor`s thesis must meet certain criteria: technical correctness, linguistic and stylistic correctness, aesthetic appearance and tidiness, etc. In its structure, the thesis should have: title of the thessis, introduction (ie necessary notes, explanations, explanations), elaboration (processing of material on a given topic), conclusion, literature (if necessary, attachments). Orientationally, the scope of the thesis should be 20 to 40 typed pages of single spacing. The title page must contain: Name and seat of the Faculty, BACHELOR`S THESIS 1, and below that the name of the topic covered (in the middle), MENTOR (in the lower left) and STUDENT (in the lower right corner), in the middle, below the mentor and student should be written Bijeljina, year ...

When he passes all the exams provided by the curriculum, the student brings the prepared thesis to the mentor. If the mentor agrees that the student can cover the thesis, the student brings the mentor to sign the Binding Certificate, which he takes in the faculty scripting room or student service on the prescribed form (attached: Binding Certificate).

When the professor receives approval to cover the thesis, before coming to the student service to submit a certificate of binding, the student should: - check at the INFO KIOSK whether the list of passed exams, which is in the 3 Records, agrees with the grades entered in index; - fill in the statistical forms ŠV 50, apply for the defense of the final work and make the payment.

When he comes to the student service to report the defense of the bachelor`s thesis, the student is obliged to submit the following: - signed Binding Certificate, - 5 bound copies of the bachelor`s thesis: the student can submit 2 bound thesis and three spirally bound copies of the thesis, - certificate of citizenship (original, not older than 6 months), - certificate of completed practice in 2nd and 3rd year (for Preschool Education) and in 3rd and 4th year (for Classr Teaching), ie in 3rd year (for Technical education and computer Science), - completed application for the defense of the final work (the application is purchased in the scripting room), - completed 2 copies of the form ŠV-50 (the form is taken in the scripting room), - receipt of payment for defense (instructions are obtained in the scripting room).

In the student service, the student is also obliged to: - compare applications and index with the list of subjects and leave the index in the student service, - take a diploma and certificates from high school, copy and certify copies in the Municipality, return certified copies to the student service and sign to the registry book.

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